Monday, July 7, 2014

July 4th just not the same

Happy late 4th!! Growing up the 4th of July was my favorite holiday. I loved going to my cousin the night before and getting up in the morning and being part of their local parade. Then we would get dressed up in our red, white, and blue and head down to our big family bbq. My dad is the 6th child of 10 so it was a lot of fun when everyone got together. we would eat good food, play around outside and then all head to Pleasant Grove High school and lay our blankets out. Everyone would bring more treats, Red Vines were a must. we would play tag, football, Frisbee it was so much family fun. As it got dark we would all lay down and watch the fireworks. It was some of my favorite memories growing up. since I have been married we have moved around a lot and have never really found a place that compares to my childhood memory and this year was no exception. ha ha it was not a bad day by any means but really just kind of boring. Its way to hot here in AZ to want to lay out and watch fireworks. We tried and we were all sweaty and wet from the heat even my kids wanted to go back in. It was kind of a dud. So as I was talking to my husband we were both saying hoe different the 4th is in small towns. We decided that we are not going to spend the 4th in AZ anymore ha ha!! we will take turns going to his home town and mine. I am so excited to show my kids and have them make some of those same kinds of memories. Now I cant wait for next 4th of July!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

welcome to our world

I am excited to share our family's journey! My husband Clay and I have been married for 8 yrs now. We both were raised in Utah and yes we are Mormon. After we got married Clay was able to go play village basketball in Port Angeles Washington. I never met a wearwolf or vampire that I know! It was there that we had our first child Caden who is now 6.

After two years there he was offered a scholarship to play in Havre Montana. It is a small town right on the boarder of Canada and it was cold!! That is where we had Karson who is now 4.

After two years there basketball was over so we moved to sunny Arizona to be closet to family. This is where we are now!! We have a beautiful girl CarLee Jo who is 14 months.

We have embarked on a new journey to be happy and healthy and help others do the same. So feel free to follow and welcome to our world!!!